Young Hall 5060 & 5048 - UC Los Angeles Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry


Training, Reservations, & Contacts

Training Information:

All users must be trained by facility managers prior to using instruments. Additionally, all facility users must be fully trained in all necessary safety procedures to work in research laboratories on the UCLA campus; or be appropriately supervised, such as usage in conjunction with undergraduate or graduate course work.

To get training on facility instrumentation, follow the contact links below, and provide the following information to the facility managers:

  • Your Name
  • Your PI and departmental affiliation
  • Instruments for which you are requesting training and general experimental purpose

Facility Management are happy to help with any inquiries about facility usage, best instrumentation for a particular experimental question, or experimental trouble-shooting and data/results understanding.

*Facility Management Contact Information*

LinRL Instrument Reservation System

Spectrofluorimeter, Biacore T-100, FX ProPlus Scanner, Circular Dichroism Spectrometer, Stopped-Flow Spectrometer, Cell Counter, UV-VIS Spectrometer (Cuvette Based).

Biochemistry Shared Instrument Reservation System

Tecan Plate Reader, Pharos & LiCOR Gel Scanners, qPCR, isothermal titration calorimeter, BLITZ Interferometer, all centrifuges and incubators/shakers,